Update from BCBA Board President Jennifer Lorenz on Current "Stay at Home" Order

Dear BCBA Members:

In our continuing efforts to keep you updated and informed regarding local and state developments related to the practice of law, please see the updated Executive Order issued by Governor Polis this morning. A link to the Order can be found here:


Section 7 of the State’s updated Order lists Legal Services as an exempt “Critical” Business. Once again, we ask that you please conduct your business responsibly and safely.

As a reminder, the BCBA Offices will remain closed until further notice. Current restrictions are challenging our traditional interactions, but we will be utilizing our technology to maintain connections and engage with our Membership. The BCBA will continue to offer its high quality CLEs during this time via Zoom. Please visit the BCBA Calendar for more information. If you reserved a conference room during this time, please contact Kyle to reschedule. On behalf of the BCBA, I once again extend our wishes for Health and Safety to you, your families, loved ones and colleagues. We thank you for your professional commitment to your clients and community during these unprecedented times.

As always, please contact me at Jlorenz@dietzedavis.com if I can be of any assistance or if you have any helpful suggestions.

Stay Healthy and Safe! - BCBA President Jennifer Lorenz

Colorado Public Heath Order Update DENVER - Today Gov. Polis and the Department of Public Health and Environment are releasing an updated public health order in accordance with yesterday’s executive order implementing a statewide stay-at-home order.

The public health order was updated to include a number of critical services such as:

• K-12 public and private schools for the purpose of providing meals, housing, facilitating or providing materials for distance learning, and providing other essential services to students. •Postsecondary institutions including private and public colleges and universities for the purpose of facilitating distance learning or performing essential functions, provided that Social Distancing Requirements are observed, such as security, medical and mental health service, housing, food service, and critical research

• Pastoral services for individuals who are in crisis or in-need of end-of-life services

• Houses of worship may remain open, but must practice social distancing or use electronic platforms

• Professional services, such as legal, title companies, or accounting services, real estate appraisals and transactions