Local Gem: Community Food Share

It is important to Dietze and Davis that we spend time giving back to the community we serve and those living in it; a cause that is close to our hearts is Community Food Share (“CFS”) based in Louisville. CFS is a food bank that works with partner organizations in Boulder and Broomfield to assist in the supply of fresh and shelf stable foods on site, as well as through local and mobile pantries in the community.

The products that CFS receives on a daily basis come from local grocery stores, national produce brokers, local farms and gardens, and government food supply sources on top of individual and fundraiser-sourced donations. While CFS has a steady supply of donations from these various contributors, if there are not volunteers to assist in the inspection, sorting and repackaging of these items when needed, the success of the bank would fall short.

Dietze and Davis is committed to assisting in this cause whenever possible, especially this time of year.

As the holiday season is approaching, if you’d like information regarding how you can help with Virtual Food Drives or In-Person Drives you can be a part of, please reach out to:

Kat Arnedo: (karnedo@communityfoodshare.org); or

Hope Ludvigsen: (hludvigsen@communityfoodshare.org).

Additionally, if you or your family find yourselves in a tough spot and need some assistance, you can head to CFS once a week, Wednesday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for no-cost food shopping that includes fresh produce, milk, and pantry staples. All you need to bring is proof that you live in either Boulder or Broomfield County with a form of address verification, and a current photo ID.